Last Updated: November 30th, 2021

Identity Settings

In the Identity Settings section you can request that a user upload a proof of Identity.

The settings that are available here are as follows:

Identity must be requested on Startup: This will prompt the user to provide a picture of their ID when they log in if they have not already done so. Once their photo is approved, the ID they upload will be deleted.

Identity is Mandantory: This setting will force the user to upload a copy of their ID.

Allow with approved photo: If you have idenity manditory, and would like the end user to log in with out having to upload another ID after their photo has been approved, enable this setting.

Accepted Identity Types: In this text box, you can create a list of the forms of ID that your organization will accept. This will show to the user in Stand when they are uploading a copy of their ID.

Click on Save to save your changes, or Cancel to discard your changes, and return to the Stand Settings Overiew.