Community Rules

Rev v2.0 April 1, 2022

Our Community rules exist to support a healthy and open discussion about the use of our CardExchange® products and services. They help create an environment where all CardExchange® users and our partners can come together as a community in pursuit of our shared mission to provide working solutions for your specific situations. Our CardExchange® team works hard to provide answers to your questions and the team is aware of the responsibility they have if it comes to you relying on us to get you the support you are asking for.

So please remember the following key things when you are using the CardExchange® Community:

1. Be responsible

What you say does matter and you will be held accountable for the words you use on our community.

2. Be supportive

Only together we can make the products and services better so your contribution is important.

3. No Spam, Advertisements, or Self-promotion

Do not spam the community with unrelated content or links to your own websites, products, business, or forums. Do not place advertisements for goods, products, or services and do not self-promote your website, business, forums, etc.

4. Do not post offensive post, links, or images

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted in this community.

5. Remain respectful

What you say and do matters and can have lasting impact. Be respectful in your comments about (and to) all CardExchange® Community users so don’t troll, name call, or engage in ad hominem attacks about anyone. This includes making statements that insult, demean, or humiliate (whether individually or by reference to groups) other community users, our team, our CardExchange® partners, or others, or that violate other standards of conduct or policies against harassment and bullying.

6. Do not cross post questions

Make sure you use Search before you post a new topic, so we refrain the community from the same questions.

7. Be descriptive and use clear topic names when you post

PLEASE use clear topic names and give a short descriptive summary of your question.

8. Keep it a safe, productive, and inclusive community

While posting questions or answering them to help build our CardExchange® community, disrupting our user’s workday to have a raging debate over politics or the latest news story does not. Our primary responsibility is to provide answers and solutions to questions, not to spend working time on debates about non product and/or service-related topics.

9. Not all support is FREE

Our goal in this community is to provide you answers to topics, topics related to our standard available features and functionality as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours after posting. However, as our products and services also support advanced functionality like scripting, workflow processes, etc., these services may require specific paid support. To ensure support within dedicated time frames, we offer different support plans with many great benefits that will keep you front-off line.

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Please read our community rules!

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